Place of Supply Rules Under GST for Goods & Services: A Detailed Guide

Did you know that GST is a destination-based tax? Understanding this concept is essential for businesses because it determines the tax liability of transactions. As the top GST consultant in Gurgaon and chartered accountant firms in Gurgaonwe are here to help you navigate through the complex taxation landscape in India. In this blog, we will explain the place of supply rules under GST. Let's get started:

Understanding Place of Supply Rules Under GST for Goods & Service: Blog Poster

Whether you are a new business or an experienced entrepreneur, knowing these critical aspects of taxation will allow you to navigate complex laws related cross border transactions, such as FEMA ComplianceThis prevents confusion and mishaps when you are filing your tax returns. 

The place of supply rules under GST play a significant role in determining which state or union territory will collect the tax. This is crucial because GST is a destination-based tax. Understanding this will allow you to charge taxes accurately and avoid unexpected penalties from inaccurate cost-accounting of financial records.

As the leading Tax consultant in Gurgaon , we will discuss the details of place of supply rules under GST for goods and services. It is important to note that there are separate rules for both goods and services, which will be discussed separately. Let's find out:

Place of supply rules under GST

What Does The Place of Supply in GST mean?

The Place of Supply in GST refers to the place of supply of services or goods being received. Therefore, the registered address of the recipient of goods and services is known as the place of supply of goods or services. The rate of taxation depends on the type of transaction and the location of the goods or services received. For hassle-free GST registration in Gurgaon, understanding the place of supply rules is essential.

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Why Do You Need To Determine The Place of Supply?

The GST levied on goods and services is dependent on the type of supply and whether it is an inter-state supply or intra-state supply. Here's an illustration of the different categories of GST under the GST law:

Different types of GST for place of supply

The location of goods and services primarily determines the rate of taxation. The supply can be located outside India or within India. For example, if a customer from Kolkata purchases a sofa set from a seller in Kolkata, then only CGST and SGST will be charged. Whereas, if the seller is from Mumbai, then IGST will be charged to the services supplied.

The IGST Act: Chapter V

The fifth chapter of the Integrated Goods and Services Tax (IGST) Act, from sections 10 to 14, outlines the rules for determining the place of supply for both goods and services. This legal framework lays down a detailed guide on how to identify what type of GST is charged within a transaction involving interstate or intrastate supplies. The following are the sections:

Section 10

It specifies the criteria of the place of supply for goods within India. This does not include imported or exported goods.

Section 11

This mentions the GST on the place of supply for imported or exported goods.

Section 12

This mentions the GST for the place of supply for services. This only mentions the case of services when the supplier and recipient are both in India.

Section 13

Unlike section 12, this is applicable to services in which the supplier and recipient are both outside India.

Section 14

This mentions a special rule for taxation that is paid by people who supply online information and access to database access or retrieval services.

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The Place of Supply – No Movement of Goods

If goods are supplied without any movement (e.g., goods sold over-the-counter), the place of supply is the location shall be the location be same as the goods at the time of supply or time of delivery of the goods. This includes on-site installation at stores, where goods are assembled or installed for customers at the store. For instance, if the time of issue of a sale takes place at a local store, the place of supply would be the state in which the store is located, making it an intrastate supply(CGST and SGST will be applicable).

The Place of Supply – No Movement of Goods

The Place of Supply- Goods Supplied On Means Of Transportation

When goods are supplied within a means of transportation, such as a train, boat, or aircraft, the place of supply is the location or related to immovable property from where the transport began its journey. For example, if a passenger bought a food item during his flight from Bangalore to Delhi, the place of supply will be registered as Bangalore. This means the place of supply during the movement of goods terminates for delivery to the recipient, that is, Bangalore. This applies to all supplies purchased from passengers during the journey. It is originally where the goods are delivered and is the place where the passenger goes onboard for the journey.

The Place of Supply – Imports and Exports

For transactions involving the import and export of goods, the place of supply is crucial for determining the type of GST taxation that applies to the transaction. For goods imported into India, the place of supply shall be the location of the importer of goods. When goods are exported outside India, the exports are exempt from GST. 

The Place of Supply For Services

The place of supply under GST is determined by the location of the recipient of services. Here are some vital points on services provided, the supplier, and the place of supply:

  • When services are provided to a registered person, then the place of supply is the recipient's address. If no address is mentioned, then the place of supply will be that of the supplier.
  • When it comes to services related to immovable property, then place of supply will be services where the location of the immovable property.
  • For services such as restaurant and catering services, the place of supply will be where the services are actually performed. 
  • The place of supply for banking and other financial services is determined using the recipient's location. If the location is unavailable in the records, then it is based on the supplier's location.
  • The place of supply of services relating to transportation services would be the location of the first scheduled departure.  

Read More: What Is The Liberalised Remittance Scheme (LRS) In India?


The place of supply under GST for goods and services helps us to navigate the complex taxation landscape in India. By understanding these rules, your business can levy proper taxation charges on goods and services to remain compliant with GST regulations.

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