Set Off & Carried Forward Of Loss In Case Of Change Of Ownership
Test your knowledge on set off & carried forward of loss during ownership change in India. Improve your financial expertise with our strategic insights!
Test your knowledge on set off & carried forward of loss during ownership change in India. Improve your financial expertise with our strategic insights!
Dear Professional Seniors & Friends,
Warm Greetings!
Welcome to the Next MCQ challenge of top chartered accountant firm in India on the concept-based practical professional knowledge on Set off and Carried Forward of Loss in case of change of ownership in a unique manner to be self-answered by participants. The detailed answers of these MCQs shall be posted the next day for the self-assessment of the participants.
MCQ 92.1: M/s Lux India Private Itd and M/s Pears India Private Ltd are subsidiaries of HUL Ltd an unlisted Company with no public Interest with HUL owning 30% ownership in both Lux India and Pears India. M/s Lux Ltd was having Loss or Business for Rs 180 Crore in FY 2015-16 However as a part of the Restructuring plan, the ownership of M/s Lux India shifted from HUL Itd to Pears India for its 80% share in PY 17-18. Can Fears India carry forward the loss of Lux India in PY 17-18.
A. Yes. Loss can be carried forward
B. No, Loss cannot be carried forward
C. Yes, the loss can be carried forward for a fresh period of 8 years
D. None of the Above
MCQ 92.2: If in the above case, M/s Lux India and M/s Pears India are Listed Entities with 80% of their share capital held by the public and shareholders approve their amalgamation in the Previous year 2015-16.
A. Yes. Loss can be carried forward
B. No, Loss cannot be carried forward
C. Yes, the loss can be carried forward for a fresh period of 8 years
D. None of the Above.
This post of MCQ is on provisions relating to Set of and Carried Forward of Loss in case of a change of ownership.
B) No. Loss cannot be carried forward
C) Yes. loss can be carried forward for a fresh period of years
Based on the above analysis, the correct answer to MCQ 92.1 B) No. Loss cannot be carried forward since 51% or more shares are not held by same shareholders and the correct answer to MCQ 92.2 C) Yes, the loss can be carried forward for a fresh period of 8 years as the section do not apply to widely held companies in which public are substantially interested) & also as per Section 72A, loss can be c/f for fresh period of 8 years.
(Disclaimer: The objective of the MCQ post is just to discuss the concept, it may happen, by change of facts, the answer may be different. Please do not treat this as a professional opinion you can definitely have your own opinion.)
Sincere Regards
CA Sanjay Kumar Agrawal
Mobile: 9810116321
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